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Monday, June 14, 2010

the DL

Homosexuality is a touchy subject. So I’m not going to get too much into it with my opinion but touch on a basic level of what I’m thinking.

Society is so concerned with who’s sleeping with who when really that should only matter to the person who’s doing it. For that reason, some of us shun those who call themselves homosexuals. Now I’ll admit, I don’t agree with homosexuality, but I still respect the person. Because I think who someone sleeps with doesn’t define them as a person or shatter their character, because I have family members and have had friends who are gay/lesbian.

Since everyone is so fixated on what’s going on behind closed doors with everyone, those people that do prefer people of the same sex hide how they really feel. Now I’m not saying go shout it out to the world that you like men, women, dogs or cats, because frankly I really don’t care unless I’m in an intimate relationship with you. But since homosexuality is looked down upon so much within American culture and the black community, we have men that partake in what is called the “down-low.”

“Down-low” refers to a black man that identifies himself as straight, has sex with men and women but doesn’t inform the female of those encounters.

I just happen to be watching a documentary on it out of curiosity and one part stuck out. Two men were in a limo going to a gay club and were talking about it shouldn’t matter if they have relations with men and women, as long as he is protecting himself and the people that he sleeps with because he also doesn’t think that AIDS/HIV started with gay men.

Well I agree it shouldn’t matter to the world who someone sleeps with but I don’t appreciate the fact that these men aren’t telling the females that they have sex with men while they are still having physical relationships with them too.

I respect any person that shows that they deserve respect, but I don’t respect liars. They are lying to themselves and to the female. Sleeping around could put anybody at risk, whether you are gay, straight, or lesbian. So it’s not really a matter so much of lying about what sex you’re sleeping with, but lying about sleeping with others in general.

I just wish those men could be real with themselves and whoever they feel the need to let know but I guess society makes it hard. I’ll never really know what it’s like.

That’s just a sugar coated opinion of the subject because I’m not here to judge, that’s not my job. Just wanted to give you a little taste of what I was thinking.

SN: this video really has nothing to do with the down low i was talking about. just like the song lol

Saturday, June 12, 2010


i have made a number of mistakes within the last yr & have become a better person as a result. but if only i knew then what i know now...

1. id have REAL friends i could count on

2. i wouldn't have let YOU in

3. id listen to my heart over my hormones

4. i wouldn't compare myself to others because id know that being me is the best option

5. id know that i have a high tolerance for alcohol & know when to put it down

6. id be happy in a different way

7. i wouldn't keep things from my mom in hopes of avoiding disappointment

8. id look at the world in a totally different light

9. i wouldn't be writing this

10. i wouldn't have grown into the person i am today.

lovetiff. <3

Friday, June 11, 2010

man up

i know too many weak females when it comes to men, or in their cases BOYS.
--i've seen [well mostly heard] about how my mom got hurt and mistreated by my real dad, and maybe that's what fuels my 'fuck you' attitude when it comes to letting my guard down around guys. [but don't get me wrong, my mom isn't weak]
--i've seen my sister be hurt by fuck boy ex-boyfriends and hated them for that.
--i've seen people who i considered friends at some point lose themselves and do whatever for a boy. the guy says 'jump' & she has the nerve to say 'how high.'
--i've seen them get taken advantage of and most times, they knew that they were.
--i've also seen them give into stupid requests [like one deleted her fb simply because he wanted her reason at all, no questions asked]
--he's cheated on you multiple times, why is he back living with you?
--he only wants to come over during booty call hours, and that the only thing that happens when he does come over

i could only think "how could you let someone treat you like that?"
there's no damn ring on your finger so whats up?!

now i understand you can easily get caught up if you feel like you have strong feelings for someone [its happened to me twice] but at some point you have to realize that he doesn't give a shit.

in the situations where my friends would just give it all up for some nigga that could care less, i used to get mad at the guys. but after a while, i realized i can't be mad at him. he's just taking advantage of what you let him.
if you let him talk to you or treat you any kind of way, of course he's going to continue to do it.

maybe i just get too emotionally invested in my friends' relationships. why? because i don't like to see the people i care about hurt. and i'll end up telling you about yourself, you may not like it and pull away from me. but that's fine, because i'll still be able to sleep at night knowing that i didnt keep my mouth shut.

seeing all of it makes me have a hard exterior most of the times toward guys that try to get with me. most times its a benefit, but sometimes it pushes them away.

idk. i'm going to protect the ones i love. i'm going to protect myself. because he should know that i will not put up with the bullshit. there's not three strikes in my ballpark, just one.

it's time for some of ya'll to man up. quit being the one hurt, be the one doing the hurting if anything. [not literally]

two pieces of me

i can't help but to think 'damn i'm lucky to be related to these two'

ohhh where would i be without them?

they are just as much a part of me as my big toe.

i need them. i'm blessed to have them.

i love youuuuu! <3


Rihanna, you better watch your ass!

This is HelenaMaria, twin sisters named Helena and Maria [duhhh]
My sister sent me this link & i'm impressed. lowkey sound better than Rihanna on her own song [not that she could really sing anyways]

Check it out =]

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

black power. ya dig

i've noticed that within the last year, i've become more afrocentric i guess you can say.

or maybe just more aware of the issues within my race or that my race faces.
i'll look at the Wal-mart and McDonald's commercials, for example, and pick at things about the black people in those commercials and how its marketed.
i'd even get a little mad at it.

all my life i've went to majority white schools, so i guess now my eyes are truly open. or maybe its a part of just growing up.

soo just warning you, if i have posts where i mention something about blacks being stereotyped or how white people look at us because of certain things, anything race related like that,

then now you know why =]

dancing fools

so i was reading Jeff's blog the other day and he had a video for a song/dance called the "Daddy Stroke." he said he think it might pop in parties and wanted to know what the readers thought. so i watched the video and thought "WHAT THE HELL!?"

this, sadly, is where some music has gone now days. we are the only race/ genre of music that makes up dumb ass songs for dumb ass dances. we have the stanky legg, swag surfin, flex, and now this... just to name a few.

now i'll admit, ive gotten caught up at a party and found myself doing some of those dances with everybody else. but then other times outside of that scene, i'd look at others doing it and just laugh to myself at how stupid they look.

i bet white people are lookin at us and just laughing too, in a small way proving the stereotypes involved in the minstrel shows. [& i dont mean this as saying that they're justified in laughing..i'm just throwing that out there]

its like anybody can get a record deal if they can produce a catchy song with a catchy lil dance that has no kind of depth or true musical talent involved at all.

yeahh, they're fun and catchy...but sometimes you gotta think about what you're listening to and doing.

but please let me know if you think i'm just thinking too hard into it haha

style for the youngin'

soo i came across this picture of Willow Smith while surfin' the web. she's so ADORABLE! i'm lovin the hairstyle [even though i couldn't pull it off] and this lil girl has a great style. just too many prints for me.

but unfortunately, there are a few people that think that she looks "too grown". being that the hairstyle has been one rocked by adults like Rihanna and Cassie. They believe with that hair, she looks too old for her age [she turns 10 in October]

well, i see nothing wrong with a young girl expressing her individuality through her hairstyles or clothing the way that Willow does. as long as she isn't dressing provocatively.

and how can a hairstyle be "too grown" for someone?? the hairstyle she chose eliminates the use of weaves [which might be a lil too much for a 9 yr old] and relaxers.

so i applaud little Willow. i don't think we have to worry about her much with parents like Will & Jada.

Monday, June 7, 2010

welcome backkkk!

it's been a while but I'M BACKKKK!

yeah i've been MIA for a good lil minute. can't really give a legit reason on why i stopped but i promise i'll be better =]
just writing this i'm starting to remember how relaxing it was to write on here [even though i never got into the real groove of it yet]

as said before, it probably will still be a bunch of randomness on here but hey, thats tiff.
