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Monday, June 14, 2010

the DL

Homosexuality is a touchy subject. So I’m not going to get too much into it with my opinion but touch on a basic level of what I’m thinking.

Society is so concerned with who’s sleeping with who when really that should only matter to the person who’s doing it. For that reason, some of us shun those who call themselves homosexuals. Now I’ll admit, I don’t agree with homosexuality, but I still respect the person. Because I think who someone sleeps with doesn’t define them as a person or shatter their character, because I have family members and have had friends who are gay/lesbian.

Since everyone is so fixated on what’s going on behind closed doors with everyone, those people that do prefer people of the same sex hide how they really feel. Now I’m not saying go shout it out to the world that you like men, women, dogs or cats, because frankly I really don’t care unless I’m in an intimate relationship with you. But since homosexuality is looked down upon so much within American culture and the black community, we have men that partake in what is called the “down-low.”

“Down-low” refers to a black man that identifies himself as straight, has sex with men and women but doesn’t inform the female of those encounters.

I just happen to be watching a documentary on it out of curiosity and one part stuck out. Two men were in a limo going to a gay club and were talking about it shouldn’t matter if they have relations with men and women, as long as he is protecting himself and the people that he sleeps with because he also doesn’t think that AIDS/HIV started with gay men.

Well I agree it shouldn’t matter to the world who someone sleeps with but I don’t appreciate the fact that these men aren’t telling the females that they have sex with men while they are still having physical relationships with them too.

I respect any person that shows that they deserve respect, but I don’t respect liars. They are lying to themselves and to the female. Sleeping around could put anybody at risk, whether you are gay, straight, or lesbian. So it’s not really a matter so much of lying about what sex you’re sleeping with, but lying about sleeping with others in general.

I just wish those men could be real with themselves and whoever they feel the need to let know but I guess society makes it hard. I’ll never really know what it’s like.

That’s just a sugar coated opinion of the subject because I’m not here to judge, that’s not my job. Just wanted to give you a little taste of what I was thinking.

SN: this video really has nothing to do with the down low i was talking about. just like the song lol


'Kalos' said...

I can dig it. I think the dudes who do are most of the time comtemplating on whats best for them. Cheating... Im not a fan of it but I dont care if one does it or not. If thats what makes them happy then cool but if your happy about something I would think you would want to tell the world; why not tell your mate? ---nice post!

Glad to see you back!

Anonymous said...

God doesn't like gay people.

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