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Friday, June 11, 2010

man up

i know too many weak females when it comes to men, or in their cases BOYS.
--i've seen [well mostly heard] about how my mom got hurt and mistreated by my real dad, and maybe that's what fuels my 'fuck you' attitude when it comes to letting my guard down around guys. [but don't get me wrong, my mom isn't weak]
--i've seen my sister be hurt by fuck boy ex-boyfriends and hated them for that.
--i've seen people who i considered friends at some point lose themselves and do whatever for a boy. the guy says 'jump' & she has the nerve to say 'how high.'
--i've seen them get taken advantage of and most times, they knew that they were.
--i've also seen them give into stupid requests [like one deleted her fb simply because he wanted her reason at all, no questions asked]
--he's cheated on you multiple times, why is he back living with you?
--he only wants to come over during booty call hours, and that the only thing that happens when he does come over

i could only think "how could you let someone treat you like that?"
there's no damn ring on your finger so whats up?!

now i understand you can easily get caught up if you feel like you have strong feelings for someone [its happened to me twice] but at some point you have to realize that he doesn't give a shit.

in the situations where my friends would just give it all up for some nigga that could care less, i used to get mad at the guys. but after a while, i realized i can't be mad at him. he's just taking advantage of what you let him.
if you let him talk to you or treat you any kind of way, of course he's going to continue to do it.

maybe i just get too emotionally invested in my friends' relationships. why? because i don't like to see the people i care about hurt. and i'll end up telling you about yourself, you may not like it and pull away from me. but that's fine, because i'll still be able to sleep at night knowing that i didnt keep my mouth shut.

seeing all of it makes me have a hard exterior most of the times toward guys that try to get with me. most times its a benefit, but sometimes it pushes them away.

idk. i'm going to protect the ones i love. i'm going to protect myself. because he should know that i will not put up with the bullshit. there's not three strikes in my ballpark, just one.

it's time for some of ya'll to man up. quit being the one hurt, be the one doing the hurting if anything. [not literally]


...::Kita::... said...

somebody's has been listening to me! love it!

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